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Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding The Moms Cooperative  

What is The Moms Cooperative?

We are a community dedicated to uniting mothers. Our mission is to provide in-person and virtual support groups, resources, community outreach, service projects, and gatherings at both organizational and regional levels.


How is it organized?

We are a non-profit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity and operate on a membership basis. Membership is available to any woman aged 18 and above residing in the United States.


Individuals who do not identify as mothers (such as fathers, nannies, babysitters, etc.) but desire to join must receive approval from the majority of the board of directors and/or a designated group leader.


Who oversees the daily operation of the organization?

The Board of Directors/Founders currently manage daily operations. As the organization grows, an Executive Team will take over daily tasks, supervised by the Board of Directors.


Does the Board of Directors receive compensation?

The board of directors does not receive any payment except for reimbursement of reasonable and documented expenses.


Will there be transparency from the board of directors?

Members will receive a 15-day notice for board meetings, including an agenda. They are encouraged to join the open session. Meeting minutes will be accessible for members to peruse at their convenience.


Will there be financial transparency?

Per the bylaws, an independent accounting firm will manage financial statements once the organization exceeds $50,000. These will be emailed to members and published on the website three months after the fiscal year ends. Furthermore, they will be presented at the annual all-member meeting.


Will there be a membership fee to join?

Members will pay an annual fee to the organization, granting access to in-person and online groups, as well as participation in various activities at both group and organizational levels. Membership costs $25.00 per year; kindly note that memberships are non-refundable. Please reach out to the group leader to verify activity schedules.


Who will receive the dues?

Upon a member's enrollment, the organization receives the dues, of which a share is subsequently allocated to the specific local group to which the member is affiliated.


Will there be membership rules/code of conduct?

Upon joining, members are expected to comply with the organization's bylaws, membership terms, and code of conduct. These guidelines clarify the requirements for membership, set expectations for participation in events/activities, and establish standards for social media behavior within the organization.


How will local in person groups be formed?

Local in-person groups will be established by designated group leader(s), who will configure the setup of their local support group. This includes deciding on the group's schedule, such as whether it will offer evening/weekend activities only, daytime/nighttime activities, or cater to specific demographics like moms only, moms and kids, and so forth.


Will Group Leaders receive training?

Online and in-person training options will be available.


Do Group Leader(s) need to be voted on every year?

The group leader(s) will continue until they choose to step down from their role. In such a case, the group members have the opportunity to elect new leader(s). If no leader is chosen, the group will disband.


How will online groups be formed?

The board of directors, group leaders and members will establish online groups for sharing information among in-person groups.


Can there be multiple local in person groups that cover 1 area?

Indeed, in-person local groups can cater to various requirements.


Will there be local group rules?

Certainly, this is to ensure uniform operation across all groups, albeit with minimal impact.

What types of activities will in person local groups have?

Group members will collectively determine the course of action. While a leader exists within each group, their role is primarily that of a facilitator. It is the group members themselves who shoulder the responsibility of organizing events and activities.


Can in person local groups meet in the evenings and weekends?

Local groups can convene in person during the day, evenings, or weekends, whichever suits the preferences and requirements of the group members.


Will groups be required to apply for their own EIN?

As a membership-based organization, the EIN is applicable to all groups formed either online or in person.


Will groups be required to have a bank account?

Certainly, the organization will furnish the group leader(s) with the necessary documents to facilitate the opening of a bank account using the corporation's EIN.


Will groups be required to fill out a financial report at the end of fiscal year?

Certainly, the report will consist of a concise 1-2 page form. It is expected to be finalized and submitted within 10 days following the end of the fiscal year, which falls on June 30th.


Will there be Service Projects and Fundraisers?

Supporting the community, particularly organizations dedicated to children and women, is a core value for us. Each year, our organization carefully chooses a beneficiary for our service projects and fundraising efforts. Additionally, local groups have the autonomy to nominate organizations for their own projects and fundraisers, alongside joining our organizational initiatives.


Our state requires any organization to register if they will be asking for donations, will the group be required to pay that fee? The Moms Cooperative is member-based, so the corporation covers the registration fee for states mandating registration. It also commits to paying the annual fee as long as we're seeking donations in that state.


Will there be events? 

Absolutely! The objective is to organize a yearly 3-4 day convention housing the annual member meeting, along with regional events like leadership training sessions.

If you have a question that was not answered here please contact us at

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